Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Rules

Supposedly Tong will give me $5 if I can accomplish the following:
  • I have to actually create a blog. DONE!
  • I have to have regular updates (Tong says daily, but I intend to use “as often as he updates his” as the basis for this)
  • It has to last a month (created 7/3/08)
  • I am not allowed to copy his blog entries into mine, and then rip on him.
  • There was probably something else, but I forget at the moment and I’m sure he will come up with at least a half a dozen other “rules.”

Today there are too many people who would rather stare at some sort of computer or TV screen (like you are now, and I was earlier) than they would go play in what your parents call "outdoors" or "nature." I have been guilty of this from time to time as well, so if I go off on some self righteous rant about something you have personally seen me do, feel free to call me on it, cause odds are I would call you on it. In case you haven’t noticed yet, my main target for comparison throughout the blog will be Ray Tong mainly because it’s just fun to pick on him.



Steve said...
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Meghan W-T said...

this is a thing of beauty.

Elise said...
